Olive feed is a patented technology that transforms the waste from olive oil production into palatable, safe and digestible animal feed.

Since the 1950’s studies have been produced all over the world to research the affects of feeding Olive Waste to various types of animals, with the result always showing low digestibility, and threats of various illnesses to animals because of high tannin content. It is important not to attempt to feed Olive Waste to animals, not only because it is not metabolizable in its waste state, but it can potentially cause serious harm to animals consuming it.


The Olive Feed Corporation and our production Facility Elsap S.A are licensed under:


The European Union to Produce and Export Olive Feed to Europe.

License Number: 00030110000068

The FDA to export to The United States.

License Number: 12524101248

The Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources exports Feed to Australia.

License Number: 0002578606

The rigorous evaluation process of the Australia Biosecurity Government team, which requires the most strict bio-security production standards in the world, involving a 1-year desk and site audit was completed in April 2019